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St. Alphege, Bishop and Martyr A.D. 1012.

by VP

Posted on Friday April 19, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints
St. Alphege

"He was born of noble and virtuous parents; but renounced the world whilst he was yet very young. He served God first in the monastery of Derhurste in Gloucestershire; but after some years, he built himself a cell in a desert place of the abbey of Bath, where he shut himself up, unknown to men, but well known to God, for whose love he made himself a voluntary martyr of penance. His eminent virtues invited many to be his followers. But some of them falling from their first fervour, contented themselves with deceiving their superior with pretended exactness, while out of his sight they took very scandalous liberties, particularly in sitting up in the night to feast and drink, and fasting in the day with the rigour of the strictest hermits. But though they imposed upon this good man; yet God's justice soon discovered their hypocrisy in the punishment of it. St. Elphege in a short time reclaimed them; and God, by the sudden death of one, opened the eyes of all the rest. See that you imitate not these unhappy men, but observe discipline exactly. It is the practice of too many to transgress it, and their glory is to deceive those under whose care they are, by unduly going abroad, and unseasonable meetings at home. Break off all such customs: for there is so much folly, injustice, and deceit in them, that they cannot fail of proving your scourge in bringing mischief upon you.

The see of Winchester falling vacant, St. Dunstan was admonished in a vision to oblige St. Elphege to receive episcopal consecration. After he had governed the see of Winchester twenty-two years, he was chosen archbishop of Canterbury. The Danes landing in England took the city of Canterbury, seized the holy prelate, laid him in irons, and confined him for several months in a filthy dungeon. He was then released, but soon after cruelly martyred in the year 1012.

Pray for all the bishops of Christ's Church; and in particular for him, under whose charge you are. Pray for this nation, that God would in His mercy preserve it from atheism and infidelity; and not let these be the punishment of its vice, but make it zealous for virtue, justice and truth." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother