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St. Anicetus, POPE AND MARTYR, A.D. 173.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday April 17, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

"He was born in Syria, and succeeded St. Pius in the see of Rome, in the latter part of the reign of Antoninus Pius. He sat about eight years, from 165 to 173. He is styled a martyr in the Roman and other martyrologies. If he did not shed his blood for the faith, he at least purchased the title of martyr by great sufferings and dangers. His vigilance protected his flock from the wiles of the heretics, Valentine and Marcion, instruments whom the devil sent to Rome, seeking to corrupt the faith in the capital of the world.

Pray for the present Pope, for all prelates and pastors, and for the whole Church; that as God has promised to lead it into all truth, so by their care who watch over it, it may be delivered from all abuses and scandals. Pray for all those who are divided from it, whether by heresy or schism.

Praise and bless God for His goodness to this holy martyr. For what could nature do amidst so many difficulties, and the terrors of a cruel death, if God had not raised it above itself, and by His grace taught it to overcome? For this mercy to His servant, bow down, adore and bless His name; and as you rejoice in His triumphs, let it be the subject of your joy, that God is glorified in poor creatures like ourselves. Yet while you celebrate the triumph of this martyr, pray that this solemnity may be to you an increase of God's mercy, that you may find some portion at least of that holy spirit in yourself, which you honour in His servant.

For as often as the memory of the martyrs occurs, so often you are reproached with the evidence of your own weakness; and you cannot see their courage and patience, without condemning your own great indisposition of soul, who can discover so little of that in yourself, which you admire and honour in them. Beseech God therefore to hear you, and by His grace to overcome your weakness, change your unhappy temper, and bring you nearer to the happy disposition of the martyrs." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother