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St. Acacius, Bishop and Confessor, A.D. about 430.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday April 09, 2024 at 12:00AM in Saints

" Saint Acacius was a holy bishop in Mesopotamia. Seeing the great distress of many thousand Persians, who had been taken prisoners by Theodosius the younger, and were so neglected as to perish with hunger, he summoned his clergy, and represented this great object of charity to them. He obtained their consent for selling the vessels of gold and silver belonging to the Church, for their present relief, and to set them at liberty. Which, when the king of Persia had heard, moved by this charity performed by Christians, whom he had persecuted throughout his kingdom with so much cruelty, he recalled his edicts, and gave peace to the Church.

This was the practice of that charity recommended by St. Paul: "If thy enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink." It is the best you can perform for removing the scourge of God from yourself, from your family and nation; and for making your peace with God, in the pardon of your sins. Let not then the malice of others shut up your bowels of compassion against them; but help them for God's sake and your own, although they may not deserve it. It is very bad management either to lock up, or to magnify your state with that, which if thus employed for the relief of the poor, might open heaven to you. How little do they understand the gospel who are more solicitous to enrich their tables and houses than to feed the poor. Will not that be their anguish at the hour of death, which is now their satisfaction? Rob your walls to clothe the naked: starve your vanity to feed the hungry. This will be your better treasure, and your eternal comfort. The Spirit of Christ was the spirit of charity and humility. If He be in His followers, He will carry them on in the same holy method; and this life will give testimony of His spirit residing in them, and that truly they live by Him. But if their lives be quite opposite to the Gospel, and to the life of Christ; if pride, ambition and luxury; if seeking themselves and the world be at the root of all that they do; if they make the laws of God give way to their pleasure or interest, it is evident that Christ is not in them, and that they live not by His spirit." The Catholic Year by Rev. John Gother