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Saint Eucherius of Orleans, Bishop , Benedictine Monk, Confessor 793

by VP

Posted on Monday February 19, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

"RETIREMENT.-God has oftentimes selected from the retirement and silence of the cloister the eminent men whom He would place in the Church as a shining light. In retirement it is that the soul collects and concentrates its strength; there it gets attempered, like true steel in the water. Eucherius, of an illustrious family of Orleans, and nephew of Savarius, the bishop of that town, lived retired for some years in the abbey of Jumièges, which he was edifying by his virtues and never meant to quit, when the inhabitants of Orleans came to draw him, despite all opposition on his side, from his retreat, in order that he might replace his uncle. Their calculations were well founded, for they gained a pastor according to God's own heart. Charles Martel, who was fond of lavishing upon his warriors the property of the Church, found Eucherius wanting in compliance, for the bishop regarded it as the patrimony of the poor. He was driven into exile, and dragged from town to town by the satellites of Charles. The persecution lasted for six years, and Eucherius died, in 793, worn but with fatigue and suffering, though in nowise wroth nor failing in courage, after having borne the episcopal charge for twenty-two years."

MORAL REFLECTION. - Nothing softens the soul and weakens piety so much as frivolous indulgence. God has revealed what high store He sets by "Retirement," in these words: "I will lead her into solitude, and I will speak to her heart."-(Osea ii. 14.) Pictorial Half Hour with the Saints by Rev. Fr. Auguste Lecanu

Martyr of Sainte Blandine in Lyon, France c. 162–177 AD

Many Martyrs:

"THE number of martyrs, who suffered in Africa and Egypt, under Dioclesian, was so great, that their names are known only to God. Eusebius, in his history, relates that he was witness of many of their sufferings: that he saw these holy martyrs going from one torment to another without terror or dejection, but rather gaining strength from their tortures: that he saw young men in the amphitheatre, waiting for wild beasts, and yet with their eyes and heart so fixed on God, as not to move when lions came roaring with open mouths to devour them. Thus by fire, sword, and beasts, infinite numbers were offered a holy sacrifice to God. And what, O Christian, can you say of yourself? Have you courage for these trials? Or must you with shame confess, that your patience is overcome in the common difficulties of life; and that, upon ordinary disappointments in yourself or others, you are tempted to give up the cause? What then ought to be your business this day, but to lament your weakness seriously before God, and importune Him to give you a better spirit? If troubles are the trials of the just, and the scourges of the sinner, on what grounds can you hope to be exempt? And if submitting to them with patience be the way to heaven, when are you to begin to make this advantage of them? Pray for what you so much need; and if you are in earnest, take some pains to stand your ground, and be not blown down with every breath, when you ought not to shrink at lions.

Almighty God supported these martyrs in the midst of their sufferings; and they gave their lives a sacrifice to his glory. He was pleased to accept the offering which they made, and to reward their sufferings with everlasting crowns. For these, and all His other mercies to these His servants, adore and bless His holy name, and humbly beseech Him, that He would extend His mercy to you also, who have many things to suffer every day, and yet are so little prepared to suffer as you ought." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Many Holy Hermits, Martyrs

by VP

Posted on Monday February 19, 2024 at 06:27AM in Saints

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Balthasar Beschey: A Hermit at Prayer

"In the fifth century many holy hermits who lived in the deserts of Palestine, separated from the world, and from all conversation besides that of God, were murdered by the Saracens, and by their cruelty made so many sacrifices to God. Is it not strange that these, who had renounced all the goods of this life, should not have been more exempt from its evils? But such is the order of Providence, that while the wicked are often punished here for their iniquities, the just too have their scourges, either for the trial of their fidelity, or to render their crown more glorious. If these come to be your portion, be not dejected, nor too positive in concluding them to be the effect of God's anger, since there are scourges of mercy, as well as of justice. Accept them with a peaceable mind, using our best and continued endeavours to moderate all fears and impatience, and suppressing those thoughts which too curiously search into the counsels of God. Leave it to Him to order as He knows best; with an assurance that it is in your power to turn them to your advantage. If you are in sin, let them be a motive to amendment: if you can discover no disorder in your life, look on Christ and His martyrs, and learn from them how you are to suffer.

Bow down before the sovereign Lord of all, in acknowledgment of His mercy to these His servants: who being nothing of themselves but vessels of weakness, were by His grace so raised above nature, as to triumph over all the cruelty that the enraged enemies of their faith could practise against them. Acknowledge this privilege of grace, which was such a blessing to these holy hermits, to have been his gift. By Him they were so perfected in faith, as to despise this world with all that was inviting in it. They rejoiced in torments, and met the terrors of death with comfort. Study their example, and you cannot fail of turning all to your good." The Catholic Year by Rev. John Gother

St. Simeon, Bishop of Jerusalem and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Saturday February 17, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

Simeon of Jerusalem - Wikipedia

"HE was successor of St. James the Less in the see of Jerusalem, and second bishop of that city, being the son of Cleophas, who was brother of St. Joseph. He was a prelate, eminent in zeal and sanctity; and was therefore seized by the Jews and crucified, at the age of a hundred and twenty years; being one of the last of those who had seen Christ upon earth. Pray for that unhappy city, which having been obstinate against the mercies of Christ, has drawn down lasting miseries on itself. Consider the many blessings which you have received, and the offers of grace which have been made to you: and see that you provoke not the divine justice against you by neglect, contempt, and ingratitude. The abuse of mercies brings a heavy account after it, and often entails misery on generations. Reflect on your temporal and spiritual blessings, and see how far you refer them to the Giver. Pray for the amendment of all past abuses.

Pray for all pastors of Christ's Church, that they may inherit the spirit of this holy prelate. Pray for him in particular, under whose care you are. And since there is no living in this world without suffering, remember to embrace those sufferings with joy, which are the consequence of a faithful discharge of your duty. Follow innocence and justice: for however they may be prejudicial to your temporal concerns, yet never think yourself a loser, as long as there is an everlasting blessing attending them. What if men judge and speak ill of you? Be contented that God is the witness of your fidelity. It is much better to suffer for justice, than to rejoice in the fruit of iniquity. That is the Gospel rule which you profess; the other is the way of the world, which you are obliged to renounce. Pray for grace, that you may be faithful in what you have undertaken. Pray for all Christians, that they may renounce what is corrupt, and be true to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, whatever sacrifices it may require of them." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

St. Flavian, Bishop and Martyr and St. Theodulus, Martyr

by VP

Posted on Friday February 16, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

"Flavian was elected Patriarch of Constantinople in 447. His short episcopate of two years was a time of conflict and persecution from the first. Chrysaphius, the emperor's favorite, tried to extort a large sum of money from him on the occasion of his consecration. His fidelity in refusing this simoniacal betrayal of his trust brought on him the enmity of the most powerful man in the empire.

A graver trouble soon arose. In 448 Flavian had to condemn the rising heresy of the monk Eutyches, who obstinately denied that Our Lord was in two perfect natures after His Incarnation. Eutyches drew to his cause all the bad elements which so early gathered about the Byzantine court. His intrigues were long baffled by the vigilance of Flavian; but at last he obtained from the emperor the assembly of a council at Ephesus, in August 449, presided over by his friend Dioscorus, Patriarch of Alexandria. Into this "robber council," as it is called, Eutyches entered, surrounded by soldiers. The Roman legates could not even read the Pope's letters; and at the first sign of resistance to the condemnation of Flavian, fresh troops entered with drawn swords, and, in spite of the protests of the legates, terrified most of the bishops into acquiescence.

The fury of Dioscorus reached its height when Flavian appealed to the Holy See. Then it was that he so forgot his apostolic office as to lay violent hands on his adversary. St. Flavian was set upon by Dioscorus and others, thrown down, beaten, kicked, and finally carried into banishment. Let us contrast their ends. Flavian clung to the teaching of the Roman Pontiff, and sealed his faith with his blood. Diosocorus excommunicated the Vicar of Christ, and died an obstinate and impenitent in the heresy of Eutyches.

Reflection: By his unswerving loyalty to the Vicar of Christ, Flavian held fast to the truth and gained the martyr's crown. Let us learn from him to turn instinctively to that one true guide in all matters concerning our salvation."

Source: Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints, 1925

Let us pray that our bishops courageously uphold the teachings of the Church:

Prayer for the Bishops

O Jesus, Prince of Pastors, Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, give our bishops ................ all those virtues, which they need for their sanctification! May they watch over themselves and the entire flock, with which the Holy Spirit has entrusted them! Fill their hearts with Thine own Spirit! Give them faith, charity, wisdom and strength! Send them faithful co-laborers in the great work of saving and guiding souls! Make them shepherds after Thine own heart, living only for their holy office, fearing nobody but Thee, and hoping for nothing but Thee, in order that when Thou shalt come, to judge shepherds and flocks, they may obtain the unfading reward of eternal life! Amen

Imprimatur: Most Rev. Vincent S. Waters, D.D. Raleigh, N.C. March 25, 1956

Source: Cure d'Ars Prayer Group

St. Theodulus,

MARTYR, A.D. 309.

"THEODULUS was an old man of eminent virtue and wisdom, who enjoyed one of the most honourable posts in the household of Firmilian, the governor of Palestine, and had several sons. His personal merit gained him the love of all who knew him; and the governor had a particular esteem for him. This holy man had seen the invincible courage and patience of the martyrs who were put to death by his master's order, and believed in Christ. Going to the prisons, he made use of the example of the martyrs whom he had seen, to encourage the other confessors, and prepare them for the like battles. Firmilian, vexed at this conduct of an old favourite servant, sent for him, reproached him strongly with ingratitude, and without hearing his defence, condemned him to be crucified. Theodulus received the sentence with joy, and went with transports to a death which was speedily to unite him to his Saviour, and in which he was thought worthy to bear a near resemblance to him. He suffered a glorious martyrdom, rejoicing in the honour that was done him, and praising God for those charitable offices, which had brought him to this happy end.

It is often so ordered by Providence, that the best undertakings fall with an unexpected weight on those who engage in them; and that Christians, by doing good to others, draw great inconveniencies upon themselves. The apprehension of such consequences discourages many from executing very pious designs, and their being once disappointed, makes them shrink from the most commendable undertakings. But this is nothing better than impatience and cowardice, disguised under the name of discretion, and therefore not to be consulted. The better rule is to embrace the present occasion offered for doing good; and then to depend so much on the divine conduct, as to leave the consequences to Providence. If all succeed well, bless God for it; and if otherwise, embrace the inconvenience. If this be done with submission and patience, your disappointment will be no loss. Thus you may come to be called a fool by the world; but it is a folly more valuable than the wisdom of those who are too cautious in doing good." The Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

Saint Juliana, Virgin and Martyr, About 300 AD

by VP

Posted on Friday February 16, 2024 at 09:33PM in Saints

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Domenico Fetti: St. Juliana

"In prison, she was said to have been exposed to a vision of a demon who pretended to be an angel of light and asked her to sacrifice to the pagan gods. Juliana recognised the deception and shouted: “Lord God of heaven and earth, do not leave me and do not allow your maid to perish.” She defeated the tempter who admitted to her that the devils suffer especially when Christians assist at Mass." Prayer for Reparation

"A holy virgin of Nicomedia, who in the persecution of Galerius Maximianus, not consenting to marry a certain governor, who was a heathen, drew upon her the fury of her idolatrous father, and likewise of him whom she had refused to marry. Finding her not to be prevailed upon by all the flatteries they could propose, they commanded her by order of justice to be hung up by the hair, to be cruelly scourged, to be tormented with hot plates of iron, to be cast into a furnace, and into boiling oil; and being miraculously preserved, she was at length beheaded, and so brought to the possession of her heavenly spouse.

Are you not here taught how much you ought to value your faith, and not to put this to the hazard upon any consideration which this world can offer you? Is not here a condemnation of those, who in disposing of themselves or of their children, look about for worldly advantages of titles, state, or preferments, and let these determine their choice as to marriage, profession, or service, without any regard to the hazard they run of that which is most valuable, and is the only thing above all to be considered? This is not according to the Gospel, which commands, before all things, to seek the kingdom of God and His justice, and to venture everything else for securing this. Resolve to make this your rule for yourself, and all that belong to you. If you are a loser by it, remember that such loss will be your greatest gain. It is the loss of the martyrs, and will not your gain be the same as theirs. It is a loss for time, but it will be gain for eternity.

Pray for all who are under troubles, whether temporal or spiritual; that God would be their protector and comforter, and strengthen them against all temptations of impatience and distrust. Your charity to them now may bring relief to you when it comes to your turn. Pray to this holy virgin and martyr, to intercede in your behalf."

SS. Faustinus and Jovita, Martyrs, A.D. 121.

by VP

Posted on Wednesday February 14, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

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Vincenzo Foppa  (–1515)

"Two brothers, who by their zealous labours in converting many infidels to the Christian faith, drew upon themselves the fury of unbelievers. They were apprehended, exposed to wild beasts, and cast into the fire and sea. But being miraculously delivered, after many torments, they were at length beheaded, and thus finished a glorious martyrdom, in the year 121.

Pray for their constancy, courage, and patience: and since God leads his most faithful servants through so difficult ways, ought you not to offer yourself with patience to go through those difficulties which he appoints for you? What are all your troubles, if compared with theirs? You would willingly come at length to the same crown; but you would have it at an easy rate. And what is this but the effect of self-love, a love of ease and quiet here, without a true sense or faith of that eternal rest that is come? And can this self-love ever bring you to the possession of Him, who requires self-denial as an indispensable condition in all those who pretend to follow Him? Consider then seriously to what you pretend; and if it be to heaven, remember that patience, humility, and submission to the will of God are the Gospel way to it. The time for practicing these, is in provocations, persecutions, troubles difficulties, disappointments, and distress. If in these circumstances you regard little what God requires, but indulge your own passions, is not this putting yourself out of the way of heaven, and neglecting those opportunities which He puts into your hands, and which, if well made use of, might be the purchase of it? Resolve now on a better method, on a method of suffering with humility and patience, as often as God shall call you to the trial. Trust in Him; and be confident that He who strengthened the martyrs will also be your helper, either in delivering you from your troubles, or giving you grace to go through them and leave it to Him to do what He knows best for you." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Saint Valentine, Priest and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Tuesday February 13, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints


Saint Valentine, Kneeling in Supplication. 1677, David Teniers

"He was a priest, and lived at Rome in the third age after Christ, under the Emperor Claudius II. Having employed his charity in instructing the ignorant, helping the sick, and assisting the martyrs in the persecution, he was apprehended. The emperor sent him to the prefect of Rome; who, on finding all his promises to make him renounce his faith ineffectual, commanded him to be beaten with clubs, and afterwards to be beheaded; which was executed on the 14th of February, about the year 270. Pray for all of his sacred character: they have a great charge, and require a powerful assistance of heavenly grace to be faithful in it. Pray that those, who have undertaken it, may follow the charity of this saint, and spare no pains in the discharge of their sacred duties. The corruption and ignorance of the world make their labours endless. Beg therefore for them, patience, zeal, longanimity, and perseverance; for they want all that you can ask for of this kind.

The heathens had a lewd superstitious custom of boys drawing the names of girls at this time, in honour of their goddess, Februata Juno. In order to abolish this profane and dangerous practice, several zealous pastors substituted the names of saints in billets which were given on this day. St. Francis of Sales severely forbade the customs of valentines; and to abolish it, he changed it into giving papers with the names of certain saints, to be particularly honoured, and as an encouragement to imitate their virtues. This pious custom prevails in many religious houses; and is to be commended. But there are great abuses in the common practices on this day, which should be condemned and abolished as unworthy of true followers of Christ. Evil is often the more dangerous, when the occasion of it is less suspected. In this way many Christians are brought into great snares, while they unwarily strengthen their own passions, and beginning with the spirit, too often end in the flesh. Be charitable then to all, but familiar with none. This is the advice of the pious author of the Following of Christ; and will prove your best security." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother


Antiphon: This Saint fought, even unto death, for the law of his God, and feared not the words of the wicked, for he was set upon a firm rock.

Let us pray:  Grant, we beseech Thee, O Almighty God, that we who solemnize the festival of Blessed Valentine, your martyr, may, by his intercession, be delivered from all the evils that threaten us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Don Gueranger.

Saint Stephen of Reiti, 6th Century ABBOT AND CONFESSOR.

by VP

Posted on Monday February 12, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

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 The Hermit, Gerrit Dou  (1613–1675)

"He was born in Italy, and having been piously educated, he resolved upon forsaking the world. For this he made choice of a desert mountain covered with woods, where, with the boughs of trees, he made a shelter against the injury of the weather, and there lived in the practice of great austerities of watching, praying, and fasting to the age of fourscore, when God called him to a better life.

If you have forsaken the world, let your life manifest the choice you have made. Retirement has many advantages, but no security. If you are not faithful to what you profess, you will meet with many temptations, and may find at last a deeper hell than others who had not such opportunities for gaining a better life. If you are in the world, walk with fear, because you are in danger. Many things will offer, seemingly innocent, which yet will take off your heart from God. If you admire what others have renounced that they might save their souls, you must either conclude them to have been rash, or that you are obliged to be very cautious how you go on. You must endeavor to separate your heart from the world: otherwise this will separate your heart from God; and how then will it ever come to the possession of him?

 This saint retired into a desert, where, free from the distractions of the world, he might attend with greater application to the concerns of eternity. Lament the many dissipations of mind, to which you have voluntarily exposed yourself. Resolve to withdraw from whatever is dangerous, unprofitable, or not becoming your state. Pray for constancy amidst all unavoidable distractions: remember God and eternity in the midst of your business. Learn to be a hermit in the world, by taking off your affections from all that you possess. You are one day to leave all; practice something of this every day. It is a difficult work, and is best done by degrees. Pray for all those who have the charge of governing a community, that they may follow the example of this saint." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

St. Meletius, Patriarch of Antioch, Confessor, A.D. 381.

by VP

Posted on Sunday February 11, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

St. Meletius of Antioch

"THIS saint was of one of the best families of Lesser Armenia. In his youth he made fasting and mortification his choice, in the midst of every thing that could flatter his senses. His conduct was uniform and irreproachable; and the sweetness and affability of his temper gained him the confidence and esteem both of the Catholics and Arians. He was promoted to the see of Antioch in the time of the Emperor Constantius; when, by the tumults of the Arians, the Eastern Church was in confusion. The Arians however, prevailed with the emperor to banish him into Lesser Armenia. The Emperor Julian having allowed the banished bishops to go back to their churches, St. Meletius returned to Antioch about the the end of the year 362; but the generous freedom with which he opposed idolatry, provoked that emperor to banish him a second time. But Jovian soon after succeeding that unhappy prince, St. Meletius returned to Antioch. The next emperor, Valens, banished him a third time; but he was restored a third time by his successor, the Emperor Gratian.

He governed his flock with remarkable exemplarity, and the opinion of his sanctity among his people was very great. He submitted to the orders of Providence with wonderful resignation, and at length died at Constantinople, being called there to the first general Council assembled in that city, in the year 881.

Give thanks for the zeal and virtue of the primitive bishops. It was by them that Christianity was preserved; and you owe it to their sufferings that you are now a Christian. Pray for the pastors of the Church. Good pastors are a great blessing, and bad ones are as great a judgment. It is the sins of the people that draw this upon them: see that you have no part in provoking these public scourges. Imitate the holy life of St. Meletius. Though continually opposed and persecuted, by his great meekness and patience he had converted the various trials he had gone through into occasions of virtue, and had exceedingly endeared himself to all who had the happiness of his acquaintance." The Catholic Year by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Prayer for Holiness in Priests

Grant, O Lord, that every hand laid upon Thee at the altar may be a friendly hand, whose touch is tender and consoling as Josephʼs was; That the lips which form so many sacred words may never be profaned by frivolous or unworthy speech;That priests may guard, even in the noisy streets of the city, the impress of their noble functions, the bright token that they have but lately come down from Thy holy mountain; And in their garments the fragrance of the altar, that everyone may find them living memorials of Thee, accessible to all, yet more than other men.

Grant that they may contract from the Mass of today a hunger and thirst for the Mass of the morrow, that the sacred anticipation be their last thought at night and Thy tender summons their first awareness in the morning;That Thy priests, filled with Thee and Thy good gifts may give largely to the rest of men who look to Thee. Amen

Saint Scholastica

by VP

Posted on Friday February 09, 2024 at 11:00PM in Saints

Mort de Sainte-Scholastique - 1730 painting, Alsace, Bas-Rhin, Altorf, Saint-Cyriaque abbey church

"A holy virgin, sister of St. Benedict; "who," as St. Gregory says, was chosen from her cradle to be a victim holy and agreeable to God." She lived for some years in the world; but in such manner as if it had been a solitude, shutting her heart and eyes to all its charms, and not letting the considerable inheritance which fell to her, by her brother's forsaking the world, make any change in the method of her life, or in the design she had of going into retirement. Wherefore she soon followed her brother, choosing a place near his monastery, where she lived in the practice of a general self-denial, even so as never to see her brother but once a-year. As she was not allowed to enter his monastery, he went out with some of his monks to meet her, at a house at some small distance. They spent these visits in the praises of God, and in spiritual conferences. The last time that they met, St. Scholastica begged her brother towards evening to delay his return till the next day, that they might discourse during the night of the happiness of heaven. St. Benedict desired her not to insist on such a request, as he could not pass a night out of his monastery. His holy sister prayed to God very earnestly; and her prayer was scarcely ended, when there came such a storm of thunder, lightning, and rain, that St. Benedict and his companions were obliged to remain in the house. He complained to her, saying, "God forgive you, sister, what have you done?" She answered: "I asked a favour of you, and you refused it me: I asked it of Almighty God, and He has granted it." They accordingly passed the night in pious conferences, and the next morning they parted, to meet no more in this world. St. Scholastica died three days afterwards.

Pray for all religious, that the spirit of this saint may be preserved among them; that having retired from the world, they may not find pretexts to keep up still a commerce with it. Pray for all who are amidst the dangers of the world, that they may be watchful and mindful that religious duties must be the exercise of all who think in earnest of gaining heaven." A Catholic Year by Fr. John Gother

St. Scholastica Priory

Prayer for Spiritual Fathers

Most gracious Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for thou faithful priests and bishops, whose spiritual fatherhood and example of fidelity, self-sacrifice, and devotion is so vital to the faith of your people. May our spiritual fathers be guided by the example of St. John Vianney. Give them valiant faith in the face of confusion and conflict, hope in time of trouble and sorrow, and steadfast love for Thee, for their families, and for all Thou people throughout the world.

May the light of Thy Truth shine through their lives and their good works. Assist all spiritual fathers, that through Thy Grace they may steadily grow in holiness and in knowledge and understanding of Thy Truth. May they generously impart this knowledge to those who rely on them, Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Source: Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of Priests: Curé of Ars St. John Marie Vianney, a true example of a pastor at the service of Christ's flock.