CAPG's Blog 

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

by VP

Posted on Saturday November 18, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

Elizabeth of Hungary

"Enter into your own hearts, and resolve to imitate St. Elizabeth of Hungary, a saint and a queen, who would go with all royal pomp to Holy Mass, but on entering Church, would take the crown from her head, the jewels from her fingers, and, despoiled of all ornament, would remain covered with a veil, so modest in deportment, that she never was seen to direct a glance in any direction but the altar.

This so please Almighty God that He chose to make His satisfaction apparent to all, for once, during Mass, the Saint was so glorified with Divine splendor, that the eyes which looked on her were dazzled, and she seemed to all as it were an angel of Paradise.

Make use of this noble example, and be assured you will thus become pleasing to God and to man, and your share in the  Divine Sacrifice will be of the highest profit to you in this life and in the next."

The hidden treasure: or, The value and excellence of holy mass. by Blessed Leonard of Port-Maurice 1855 p111