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St. Eligius, Bishop and Confessor A.D. 659.

by VP

Posted on Thursday November 30, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

Saint Eligius at the feet of the Virgin and Child by Gerard Seghers

"He was brought up to a working trade: but being mindful that he was to work for heaven, as well as for bread, his great care was to join the exercises of religious duties to his trade, as of prayer, fasting, watching, and alms-deeds; and as often as circumstances would permit, he had some good book open before him. Learn to sanctify your labours by his example. If you are of the number of those who work for a livelihood, endeavour to be faithful in what you have undertaken. And this, not only in regard of your neighbour, by carefully avoiding what is fraudulent, or may be to his prejudice, through your neglect; but likewise to God and your own soul, by a watchful care against all the suggestions of a covetous, worldly, or solicitous temper; that so you neither rob him of his honour, nor deprive yourself of what is necessary for your salvation. What will your gain profit you, if you lose your soul?

If your employment be in works of charity, or in such business as your state requires, lose not the advantage of what you do, but daily offer to God your labours. Mix them with thoughts of heaven, that your industry may be serviceable for the next life, as well as this.

The piety of St. Eligius became so remarkable, that he was called forth to the ecclesiastical state, and consecrated bishop; and having fulfilled all the duties of his charge with wonderful zeal, made a happy end in the year 659.

Pray for all bishops in God's Church, that they may follow so great an example. It being the first day of the month, forget not to begin it so, that if it should be your last, it may be to you the beginning of a happy eternity." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John Gother

Prayer for the Bishops:
O Jesus, Prince of Pastors, Shepherd and Bishop of our souls, give our bishops ................ all those virtues, which they need for their sanctification! May they watch over themselves and the entire flock, with which the Holy Spirit has entrusted them! Fill their hearts with Thine own Spirit! Give them faith, charity, wisdom and strength! Send them faithful co-laborers in the great work of saving and guiding souls! Make them shepherds after Thine own heart, living only for their holy office, fearing nobody but Thee, and hoping for nothing but Thee, in order that when Thou shalt come, to judge shepherds and flocks, they may obtain the unfading reward of eternal life! Amen

Imprimatur: Most Rev. Vincent S. Waters, D.D. Raleigh, N.C. March 25, 1956

Saint Andrew, Apostle and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Wednesday November 29, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

Saint Andrew. Engraving by L Kilian, 1623, after JM Kager. Created 1623. Apostle Andrew, Saint. Contributors: Johann Matthias Kager (1575?-1634); Lucas Kilian (1579–1637). Work ID: yqke5a4f.

"The Feast of St. Andrew has been kept since the fourth century on November 30. St. Andrew was both and Apostle and a Martyr. The collect tells us that he was called to govern and teach the Church; and the Epistle and the Gospel deal with the Vocation of him who was the first among the Apostles to know Jesus Christ. When he was called he immediately left his nets to become a fisher of men, and "his sound hath gone forth into all the earth to preach the gospel of peace." After the coming of the Holy Ghost he preached in Palestine, and then taught in Scythia, Epirus and Thrace.

"But all have not obeyed the Gospel" (Epistle), and Saint Andrew ere long became the Apostle of the Cross. The priests of Achaia describe his martyrdom at Patras. He died on that special form of cross which has ever since been called after him, and "the Lord received his sacrifice in the odor of sweetness" (Alleluia). His body, having been fist taken to Constantinople, was in 1210 moved to the Cathedral at Amalfi, in the kingdom of Naples. In 1462, his head was placed by Pius II. in the basilica of St. Peter, his brother. His name is inscribed in the Canon of the Mass.
Let us, with Saint Andrew, follow Christ even to the Cross." Daily Missal with Vespers for Sundays & Feasts

Saint Saturninus, Bishop and Martyr

by VP

Posted on Tuesday November 28, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

Saint Saturninus, Bishop of Toulouse: his martyrdom. Engraving.

Impotence of the Demon: St. Saturninus, having been sent by the Pope St. Fabian into Gaul, together with St. Denis, in order to plant the faith there, established his see at Toulouse, and thence directed his efforts into the adjacent regions. The number of the Christians had already become considerable. The holy missionary was accustomed to pass every day near the foot of the Capitol, which contained a temple famous for its oracles. Now, as the latter had become mute, the pagans attributed this to the presence of the Christians, and especially to that of the bishop; they therefore dragged him to the Capitol in order to force him to adore their gods, or else to restore speech to the oracles. "Your gods," said Saturninus to them, "are only demons, and how can you expect that I shall adore them that dread me, and whom my mere presence reduces to silence?" At this reply the people became enraged beyond measure; Saturninus was horrible maltreated; he was trans-pierced with a lance, and then tied to the tail of an untamed bull, that tore him to pieces. This occurred about the year 250 of the Christian era.

Moral reflection:
The spirit of darkness is only to be feared by those who yield consent to his suggestions. "Resist the devil," says St. James, "And he will fly from you." (James iv. 7.)

Source: Pictorial half hours with the saints. Transl de Auguste Francois Lecanu (1865)

Saint Catherine Laboure

by VP

Posted on Sunday November 26, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

"O Mary! Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee."

"It is true, that the day of triumph announced by the venerated Montfort, appears far distant; one might says that the kingdom of God on earth is more compromised than ever. The wicked make unexampled efforts to demolish the social edifice; they are numerous, powerful and possessed of incalculable resources. But for the Church, when all seems lost, then is her triumph at hand. God sometimes permits the malice of men to exceed all bounds, that His power may be the more manifest when the moment of their defeat arrives.

All the united efforts of the Church's enemies in the course of ages, all their errors, hatred and violence directed against her, the Spouse of Christ, are now concentrated in what is termed the Revolution - that is, anti-Christianity reduced to a system and propagated throughout the world, it is Satan usurping the place of Jesus Christ.

But He who has conquered the world, and put to flight the prince of the world, will not permit Himself to be dethroned. He will reign, and even now, before our eyes, is His kingdom being prepared, by the mediation of the Immaculate Mary, of whom the promise was made that she should crush the serpent's head, and to whom alone belongs the privilege of destroying all heresies arising upon earth." The miraculous medal : its origin, history, circulation, results by M. Aladel C.M.

Saint Cecilia, Patron of Music

by VP

Posted on Tuesday November 21, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

view Saint Cecilia. Engraving by A.H. Payne after C. Dolci.

Saint Cecilia, Public Domain

"Let's pray to Saint Cecilia on her feast day, so that music in our churches will once again be an instrument of elevation to God, not a profanation of the sacred." Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Nov.22. 20200

Music in the Church

"In the early Church. We known very little concerning the music of the primitive Christian Church. On account of many circumstances that Church was restricted in its religious manifestations, for the greater part of the first three centuries was a time of bitter persecution, when Christians worshiped God in t and in peril of their lives. Tertullian tells us, however, that in his day psalms were sung in the divine service, and the pagan Pliny knew that Christians honored their God before dawn by the chanting of hymns. The extensive use of music in church ceremonies came later, and is to be largely attributed to St. Ambrose, the great Bishop of Milan, who introduced the singing of psalms "after the manner of the East." Under the fostering care of our Church sacred music developed most wonderfully during the succeeding centuries.

St. Jerome, who seldom failed to criticize when criticism was needed, speaks of singers of his day in words to which some of our modern choirs and church soloists may well hearken: "Let the servant of God sing in such manner that the words of the text rather than the voice of the singer may cause delight, and that the evil spirit of Saul may depart from those that are under its dominion, and may not enter into those who make a theater of the house of the Lord." Can it be possible that the prophetic soul of the Saint foresaw the evils of some of the church music of today, wherein hymns to the Blessed Sacrament are chanted to the dulcet strains of "Juanita," and the sublime words of the Credo are sung to the liveliest melodies of Offenbach?


The Gregorian Chant: This is the distinctive song of the Church, the interpreter in melody of her prayerful devotion. It is so called from its great founder, St. Gregory the Great, and is also known by the names of Plain, Roman or Choral Chant. It is a grave melody, usually solemn in nature, sung in unison, that is, without harmonizing parts, set to the rhythm of the words, and without strictly measured time.

As a prayer is an utterance by the believing heart, expressing its faith, so the chant, which is the more solemn mode of liturgical prayer, owes to faith its power and its beauty.


The Beauty of the Chant: As regards the tone used, the ecclesiastical chant is full of variety, for it was created for the purpose of beautifying the Church's services, which are of many kinds. Adoration, thanksgiving, supplication, sorrow, joy, and triumph find in the Gregorian tones their fitting expression. The melody accommodates itself to the word and phrase, to the spirit of the Church, and to the nature of the prayer and praise which are being offered to God. Whether it be the Gloria, the jubilant song of the Angels - The Sanctus, in which we here on earth join in adoration with the celestial spirits - the Agnus Dei, the appeal for mercy addressed to Him Who has taken away sin - the Libera, which is the intercessory prayer for the faithful departed - in each of these the spirit of the words and the devotion of the Church are brought out clearly by the grand and simple melodies of the Gregorian Chant. How beautiful in its solemn and reverential strains is the Preface of the Mass, in which the priest offers the Church's thanksgiving and homage before the throne of God! How replete with sadness and sorrow is the chant of the Lamentations in the office of Holy Week! How expressive of fear and desolation are the mournful notes of the "Dies Irae"! All there varying moods of the Church's praise and prayer are portrayed in the Gregorian Chant without any of the artifices of vocal or instrumental harmonizing that are employed in secular music. Its melodies have sprung from the minds of Saints, singing from the Spirit of God."

The Externals of the Catholic Church: Her Government, Ceremonies, Festivals by Rev. Fr. John F. Sullivan 1917

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

by VP

Posted on Tuesday November 21, 2023 at 07:26AM in Saints

Presentation of the Virgin Mary, Titian  (1490–1576)

"THIS festival is in memory of that day, when the Blessed Virgin Mary, at the age of three years, was presented to Almighty God, in his temple.

Rejoice in this spotless offering, which was then made to the Almighty: and if you are a parent of children, remember that this is a good day to offer them to God. The misconduct of so many, who taking bad wages, become their parents' greatest misfortune, is sufficient to make you in earnest in this point, for obtaining on yours the protection of heaven. Recommend them not only now, but every day to God; for this charity is one of their best securities.

Fail not to make an offering also of yourself to God. First, by humbling yourself in His presence, confessing your own infirmity and nothingness; and that if He helps you not, by His protection and grace, you are certainly lost and miserable. Secondly, by making a protestation of being faithful in resisting evil, and performing whatever He requires of you. Thirdly, by putting yourself in a holy disposition to accept from His hand whatever He appoints for you, whether sickness, pain, afflictions, poverty, or any other visitation. For no otherwise can you belong to Him, than by conforming your will to His.

Pray therefore for the rooting out whatever rebellion yet remains in you. Thus may you join yourself with the grateful offering, which we honour this day. Beg of God to accept the oblation, which you make. Offer your soul to become the temple of the Holy Ghost. Offer your heart to be the seat of divine love. Offer your body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Offer your senses, inclinations, and desires all to His government, to become wholly subject to His will; to be commanded, encouraged, or restrained, as shall be most pleasing in His sight. Offer your thoughts and words to the same subjection. Offer all by the hands of Mary; and pray with the Church, that by her intercession, you may be presented in the temple of God's glory." The Catholic Year; Or Daily Lessons on the Feasts of the Church by Rev. Fr. John GOTHER

Parents and the vocation of their Children by Rev. Fr. Ernest F. Miller, C.SS.r.

"Parents should remember that the offering of a son or a daughter is not all pain and sacrifice. Of course the parting is difficult when the boy or girl bids farewell to family and departs for seminary or convent. It seems almost as though the child has been claimed by death. But the hurt that the heart sustained eventually heals. Time takes care of that. And then the blessings that a religious vocation brings down upon the home and particularly upon the parents in that home make themselves felt.

First of all, there is the feeling of assurance that mother and father have that their daughter could hardly be in better hands than in the hands of Our Lord. She has become the spouse of Christ. She has been especially selected by Christ to be His bride. Surely He will take care of her both in time and in eternity.

Good parents sometimes worry about their children. They know that they are responsible for their welfare in eternity. They have often heard that on the day of the last Judgment children who are lost because of the negligence of their parents will point a finger at their mother and father and demand that Christ condemn them for the awful sin they committed in not seeing to it that their children saved their souls.

Some parents have reason to worry, not because of anything that they have done that was wrong in the training of their children but because the children refused to follow their training and involved themselves in invalid marriages and sinful practices that drove them out of the Faith into which they had been born and baptized. Mothers and fathers worry in cases like these lest their children lose their souls.

They do not have to worry about their daughter in the convent. Her habit of prayer, the good example all around her, the spiritual exercises of her daily life will carry her to heaven when her time comes to die. Mother and father can be sure that at least one of their children is safe and that they need have no fear of giving an account to God on how her life was lived and how she was brought up from her youth.

The second blessing that follows upon the sacrifice of a son or a daughter to God is the promise of Our Lord that He will provide for the temporal and the eternal welfare of those who willingly make the sacrifice. In the nineteenth chapter of St. Matthew's Gospel the following words are to be found: 'Every one that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for My name's sake shall receive a hundredfold and shall possess life everlasting.

It is not stretching the meaning of the text too far to maintain that it refers to all the members of the family who consent to a son or a daughter, a brother or a sister leaving home in order to enter the direct service of God at altar or in the convent.

Thus, a brother who gives up his sister can apply Our Lord's words to himself. And so can a mother in regard to her daughter. And so can a father in regard to his son. The consoling part of Our Lord's words consists in this that a girl who has renegade Catholics in her family - a father who has fallen away from the practice of his holy religion, a sister who has sinned deeply through an invalid marriage, a brother who has become a confirmed alcoholic - that girl by giving up her life to God in religion can save the souls of all these unfortunate relatives of hers no matter how far they have fallen. Our Lord says that he who gives up a sister or a daughter as well as a mother and a father will possess life everlasting. Isn't that what all the members of the family do, even the bad members of a family, when they see one of the girls of the family leave home in order to enter the convent? They give her up. And God promises a great reward."

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary

by VP

Posted on Saturday November 18, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

Elizabeth of Hungary

"Enter into your own hearts, and resolve to imitate St. Elizabeth of Hungary, a saint and a queen, who would go with all royal pomp to Holy Mass, but on entering Church, would take the crown from her head, the jewels from her fingers, and, despoiled of all ornament, would remain covered with a veil, so modest in deportment, that she never was seen to direct a glance in any direction but the altar.

This so please Almighty God that He chose to make His satisfaction apparent to all, for once, during Mass, the Saint was so glorified with Divine splendor, that the eyes which looked on her were dazzled, and she seemed to all as it were an angel of Paradise.

Make use of this noble example, and be assured you will thus become pleasing to God and to man, and your share in the  Divine Sacrifice will be of the highest profit to you in this life and in the next."

The hidden treasure: or, The value and excellence of holy mass. by Blessed Leonard of Port-Maurice 1855 p111

Saint Odo of Cluny, abbot

by VP

Posted on Friday November 17, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

St. Odo of Cluny

"The Mass" says St. Odo, Abbot of Cluny, "is the act on which is based the salvation of the World."

The Holy Mass: The Sacrifice for the Living and the Dead, by Rev. Fr Michael Müller 1875 p 288.

When and how was this yearly commemoration of the departed introduced?

The time of the introduction of this commemoration cannot be determined; for as easily as the time of Tertullian he mentions that the Christians of his day held a yearly commemoration of the dead. Towards the end of the tenth century St. Odo, abbot of the Benedictines, at Cluny, directed this feast to be celebrated yearly, on the 2nd of November in all the convents of his Order, which usage was afterwards enjoined upon the whole Christian world by Pope John XVI. The feast of this day was probably established in order that, after having on day before rejoiced over the glory of the saints in heaven, we should this day remember in love those who are sighing in purgatory for deliverance.

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that, by our pious supplications, they may obtain the pardon which they have always desires. Who livest and reignest,etc.

All Souls' Day. p456  Devout Instructions on the Epistles and Gospels for the Sundays and Holydays Front Cover Leonhard Goffiné Benziger, 1896

Saint Gertrude, Virgin and Abbess A.D. 1292

by VP

Posted on Wednesday November 15, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

" St. Gertrude, Spouse of Christ, Pray for us.

If you want to find me, look for me near the Altar or in the heart of Gertrude."

"JESUS CHRIST IN THE HOLY EUCHARIST.-It was by meditation on the infinite goodness of Jesus Christ in the adorable sacrament of the Eucharist that St. Gertrude, abbess of Rodersdorff, in Saxony, was raised to that high degree of perfection, contemplation, and divine love, which was never surpassed, save by St. Theresa, and which still awakens the admiration of all who are intent upon the contemplative life. But, not content with meditating and praying, she sought to reproduce in her own person the humility, charity, patience, and sweetness of the Divine Exemplar, so that works, without which there is no true virtue, should not be wanting to her Faith. She has sketched the true portrait of her soul in her book of Revelations," which embodies the narrative of her communications with God and the holy transports of His love. She died in 1334, and her last malady was, so to speak, nought but a holy languor of Divine love, so delightful and ineffable were the consolations she enjoyed. Numerous miracles have borne witness to her sanctity.

MORAL REFLECTION..-"Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give shall never thirst, but this water shall be in him a well springing up into life everlasting."-(John iv. 13.)" Pictorial half hours with the saints by Fr. Auguste François Lecanu

"The sweetness of Divine goodness urged her to a participation in the Holy Mysteries, by these words: "Consider in how small a space I give you My entire Divinity and My Humanity. Compare the size of this with the size of the human body, and judge then of the greatness of My love. For as the human body surpasses My Body in size—that is to say, the quantity of the species of bread under which My Body is contained-so My mercy and charity in this Sacrament reduce Me to this state, that the soul which loves Me is in some sort above Me, as the human body is greater than My Body."

On another day, as she received the saving Host, our Lord addressed her thus: "Consider that the priest who gives you the Host touches it directly with his hands, and that the vestments with which he is clothed, out of respect, do not reach beyond his arms; this is to teach you, that although I regard with pleasure all that is done for My glory, as prayers, fasts, vigils, and other like works of piety, still (those who have little understanding will not comprehend it), the confidence with which the elect have recourse to Me in their weakness touches Me far more sensibly; even as you see My Flesh is nearer to the hands of the priest than his vestments.” The Life and Revelations of Saint Gertrude

Prayer before Mass (Prayers of St. Gertrude)

O Almighty, everlasting God, seeing that it is the true faith of Thy Church that the holy Sacrifice of the Mass instituted by Thy Son is infinitely pleasing to Thy divine Majesty, and renders Thee an infinite worship and praise, and since by it alone Thou canst be worthily and adequately worshiped and praised; impelled by an ardent desire of Thy honor and glory, I purpose to assist at this present sacrifice with the utmost devotion of which I am capable, and to offer this most Holy Oblation to Thee in union with Thy priest.

I offer Thee not only this sacrifice, but all those which shall be this day offered from every part of the world; and I protest before Thee that if it depended on me whether they should be offered or omitted, I would put forth all my powers to procure and further their being offered. And were I able now to raise up to Thee, of the stone which are scattered over the earth, most devoted priests, who should day by day and with glowing fervor offer to Thee this sacrifice of praise, I would most gladly do it. But, being what I am, I implore Thee, O most holy Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, to pour into the hearts of all Thy priests, and especially those who might perchance otherwise offer Thee this acceptable sacrifice coldly and without due recollectedness, the spirit of grace and of fervor, that they may be enabled to celebrate Thy tremendous Mystery with becoming awe and devotion.

Grant to me, and to all those who are here present with me, that we may join in this most sacred action with reverence and devotion, so that we may have our portion in its fruit and effect. I confess to Thee, O almighty God, and to the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and to all the Saints, my own sins and those of all the world; and I lay them on Thy sacred Altar, that they may be entirely blotted out by the virtue of this sacrifice. Do thou deign to grant us this grace, by that love which held back Thy hand from smiting when Thy most beloved Son, Thy only Son, was immolated by the hands of ungodly men. amen"

Preces Gertrudianae; Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde.

Saint Albert the Great, Bishop Confessor patron saint of scientists and philosophers.

by VP

Posted on Tuesday November 14, 2023 at 11:00PM in Saints

" Dread the torments suffered by the souls in Purgatory, and have compassion on them. Succor them by your prayers and deliver them by your good works" St. Albert the Great.

Miniatures Lives of the Saints, for Every Day in the Year, Volume 1; Volumes 28-146 1883

"God, thou art wondrous in thy saints!

Appointed by you to the highest pastoral office of the Church of Jesus Christ, I kneel today as a pilgrim at the tomb of St Albert, to glorify you with all the faithful on this day commemorating the 700th anniversary of his death, and to thank you for his life and his works, through which you gave him to your Church as a teacher of the faith and example of Christian life.

God, our creator, cause and light of the human spirit, you gave St Albert a profound knowledge of faith in true imitation of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. The world itself became for him the revelation of your omnipotence and goodness. Through his contact with your creation he learned to recognize and love you more profoundly. At the same time he researched through the works of human wisdom, including the writings of non-Christian philosophers, and paved the way for their encounter with your Gospel. Through the gift of discrimination you made him uniquely able to avoid error, to establish truth more deeply and make it known among men. In doing so you made him a teacher of the Church and of all mankind. With the intercession of St Albert we pray together to you for your mercy.

Send to your Church teachers of truth in our time as well, who will be capable of interpreting and preaching your Gospel to the people of the world through their words and saintly living. Hear us, O Lord.

Open the hearts of man through the grace of a living faith so that they may recognize God's presence in his creation and their own lives and come to correspond more and more perfectly with his holy will.

Accompany and illuminate the work of scientists and scholars with your Holy Spirit. Preserve them from pride and self-conceit and give them a sense of responsibility in their dealings with the gifts of your creation.

Give those responsible in State and society insight and responsibility so that they may use the achievements of science and technology for peace and progress among the peoples of the world and not for their harm or destruction.

Help us all to recognize the truth amidst the many dangers and errors of our time and to serve you devoutly in a life strengthened by faith.

With the intercession of St Albert, bless all citizens of this country, give the German people peace and unity and let it always be aware of its' responsibility in the community of nations.

Accompany my pastoral visit in the Federal Republic of Germany with your special blessings and assistance, strengthen all believers in their love of Christ and his Church so that through the testimony of their Christian living your name may be glorified in truth and justice in the world today.

Pray for us, St Albert , that we might be worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray: God, our refuge and strength, you gave the sainted bishop and teacher of the Church, Albert, the power to associate human knowledge with eternal wisdom. With his intercession and strengthen, protect our faith in the intellectual confusion of our days. Give us the openness of his intellect so that the progress of science may also help us to know you more profoundly and come closer to you. Let us grow in the knowledge of the truth which you yourself are, so that we may some day see you face to face in the presence of all the saints. For this we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.