CAPG's Blog 

Prayer at the beginning of Lent

by VP

Posted on Tuesday March 04, 2025 at 11:00PM in Prayers

File:Hole JesusalDesierto.jpg

Temptation of Jesus in desert. By William Hole 1908

"Almighty God! I unite myself at the beginning of this holy season of penance with the Church militant, endeavoring to make these days of real sorrow for my sins and crucifixion of the sensual man. O Lord Jesus! in union with Thy fasting and passion, I offer Thee my fasting in obedience to the Church, for Thy honor, and in thanksgiving for the many favors I have received, in satisfaction for my sins and the sins of others, and that I may receive the grace to avoid such and such a sin, N. N. and to practice such and such a virtue, N. N."

Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's The Church's Year