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September 4th: Prayer to Our Lady of Consolation, Consolatrix Afflictorum

by VP

Posted on Wednesday September 04, 2024 at 01:00AM in Prayers

La Consolatrix Afflictorum du Luxembourg in the Royal Cathedral of Luxembourg

"O Mary, most sweet, most amiable, and most glorious, thy name cannot be uttered in the secret of the heart without inflaming it with thy love; and they who love thee cannot think of thee without feeling themselves animated to love thee more and more, and putting all their confidence in thee.

O Mary, O my Mother, thou sees my trouble, look upon me with an eye of pity; thou art the consolation of all who call upon thee in affliction, be thou, then mine. Hearken to the sighs graciously hear the prayers of my poor heart; forsake me not, but support me in affliction, and strengthen me in danger. Thou art the heavenly dew that sweetenest our sorrows; O Mother of consolation, I pray thee, sweeten mine; give peace to my soul, grant me all that thou knowest I desire of thee; obtain for me, from thy divine Son, the pardon of all my sins, the grace to sin no more, the blessedness to imitate thy virtues all the rest of my live, and finally a holy and happy death. At that tremendous hour, be thou my protectress and my consolation, I beseech thee; O my tender Mother, come and receive my soul, to present it at the tribunal of the sovereign Judge, and to obtain for me a favorable sentence. I deserve both this at thy hands: but I am thy child. I love thee, and I desire to make thee loved by all hearts. Amen

Augustinian Devotion