CAPG's Blog 

May 15th: Rogations

by VP

Posted on Monday May 15, 2023 at 01:00AM in Prayers

Saint Pope John Paul II reintroduced Rogations Days as permitted observations.

Source: Religious Celebrations: An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals ..., Volume 1 By J. Gordon Melton

"Persecuted by her enemies, decimated by the martyrdom of her children, afflicted by numerous apostasies from the Faith, and deprived of every human aid, the Church will know that the terrible chastisement is at hand, for prayer will then be as rare as faith. Let us, therefore,
pray that the day of wrath may be put off, the Christian life regain something of its ancient vigor, and the end of the world be not in our times. There are Catholics in every part of the world, but their number has been visibly decreased by war and persecution. Heresy is in possession
of whole countries that were once faithful to the Church; in others, religious indifference has infected many Catholics whose Catholicity is but a name. Among others, the old honesty and adherence to the teachings of the Church has been weakened by loose ideas and half-formed convictions.
A man is popular in proportion to the concessions he makes in favor of principles condemned by the Church. The sentiments and actions of the saints, the conduct and teaching of the Church, are labeled as exaggeration and decried as being unsuited to our times. The search after comforts has become a serious study; the thirst for earthly goods is a noble passion; independence is an idol to which everything must be sacrificed; submission is a humiliation which must be got rid of, or, where than cannot be, it must bot be publicly acknowledged. Finally, there is sensualism, which, like an impure atmosphere, so impregnates every class of society that it has become evident that there is a league formed to abolish the Cross of Christ from the minds of men.

What miseries must not follow from this systematic setting aside of the conditions imposed by God upon His creatures? If the Gospel be the Word of Infinite Truth, how can men oppose it without drawing upon themselves the severest chastisements? Would that these chastisements might work the salvation of them that have provoked them! Let us humble ourselves before the sovereign holiness of God, and confess our own guilt. The sins of men are increasing both in number and in enormity. The picture we have just drawn is sad enough. What would it have been, had we added such abominations as downright impiety, corrupt doctrines which are being actively propagated throughout the world? dealings with Satan, which threaten to degrade our age to the level of pagan times? The conspiracy organized against order, justice, and religion by secret societies and their agents? Oh,let us unite our prayer with that of Holy Church, and say to God: From Thy wrath,deliver us, O Lord!

Besides this purpose of averting the Divine anger, the Rogation Days were instituted to beg our Heavenly Father to bless the fruits of the earth. We must beseech Him with all earthnestness of public prayer to "give us our daily bread." "The eyes of all," say the Psalmist, "hope in
Thee, O Lord; and Thou givest them food in due season. Thou openest Thy hand and fillest with blessing every living creature." (Ps. 144: 15,16). In accordance with the consoling doctrine conveyed by these words, the Church prays to God that He would this year give to all living
creatures on earth the food they stand in need of. She acknowledges that we are not worthy of the favor, for we are sinners. Let us unite with her in this humble confession, but at the same time let us join her in beseeching Our Lord to make mercy triumph over justice.

How easily could God frustrate the self-conceited hopes and the clever systems of men! They own that all depends on the weather; but on whom does that depend? They cannot do without God. True, they seldom speak of Him, and He permits Himself to be forgotten by them; but He "neither sleepeth not slumbereth, that keepeth Israel" (Ps. 120:4). He has but to withhold His blessing, and all progress in agricultural science, whereby men boast to have made famine an impossibility, is of no effect. Some unknown disease comes upon a vegetable; it causes distress among the people, and endangers the social order of the world that has secularized itself from the Christian law and would at once perish but for the mercy of God, which it affects to ignore.

If, then our Heavenly Father deign, this year, to bless the fruits of the earth, we may say, in all truth, that He gives food to them that forget and blaspheme Him, as well as to those that make Him the great object of their thoughts and of their service. Men of no religion will profit by
this blessing, but they will not acknowledge it to be His; they will proclaim more loudly than ever that nature's laws are now so well regulated by modern science that she cannot help going on well. God will be silent, and will feed the men who thus insult Him.

But why does He not speak? Why does He not make His wrath felt? Because His Church has prayed; because He has found the ten just men (Gen. 18:32), that is, the few for whose sake He mercifully consents to spare the world. he therefore permits these learned economists, whom He could so easily disconcert, to go on talking and writing. Thanks to His patience, some of them will grow tired of their impious
absurdity; and unexpected circumstance will open their eyes to the truth, and they will one day join us both in faith and in prayer. Others will go deeper and deeper into blasphemy; they will go on to the last, defying God's justice, and fulfilling in themselves that terrible saying of Holy Scripture: "The Lord hath made all things for Himself; the wicked also for the evil day" (Prov. 16:4)

We, who glory in the simplicity of our faith, who acknowledge that we have all from God and nothing from ourselves, who confess that we are sinners and undeserving of His gifts, will ask Him, during these three days, to give us the food we require. We will say to Him with Mother Church: That Thou vouchsafe to five and preserve the fruits of the earth, We beseech Thee, hear us! May He have pity on us in our necessities! Next year, we will return to Him with the same earnest request. We will march, under the standard of the Cross, through the same ways, making the air resound with all the greater confidence at the thought that our Mother is marshaling her children in every part
of Christendom in this solemn and suppliant procession.

For thirteen hundred years our God has been accustomed to receive the petitions of His faithful people at this season of the year. He shall have the same homage from us, ans we will endeavor, by the fervor of our prayer, to make amends for the indifference and ignorance which are combining to do away with old Catholic customs, which our forefathers prized and loved."

Source:  The Liturgical Year Abbot Gueranger OSB (The Tabernacle and Purgatory, Benedictine Nuns 1959)