Sunday Communion Offered to the Holy Ghost in Favor of the Church and of Priests
by VP
Posted on Sunday January 29, 2023 at 12:00AM in Prayers
"We recommend very specially to Priest and to the faithful the practice of the Sunday Communion offered to the Holy Ghost, already propagated with such zeal by many distinguished prelates. The practice consists in offering Communion every Sunday to the Holy Ghost, by the hands of Mary, in favor of the Church and of Priests. Those who adopt this devotion should, when making the offering of their Sunday Communion, intercede earnestly for priests, so that they may become every day more holy and more zealous and ardent apostles of the Holy Ghost.
It is much to be desired that this practice of the Sunday Communion should become general in every parish, in Seminaries, Universities, Colleges, and especially in religious Communities."
Prayer to the Holy Ghost in Favor of the Church.
O Holy Spirit, Creator, be propitious to the Catholic Church; and by Thy
heavenly power make it strong and secure against the attacks of its
enemies; and renew in charity and grace the spirit of Thy servants, whom
Thou has anointed, that they may glorify Thee and the Father and His
Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. amen.
(300 daysʼ indulgence, once a day. Leo XIII, August 26 1889)
Manual of prayers to the Holy Ghost by Very Rev. Fr. Felix of Jesus 1941
Source: CAPG
Prayer before Mass (Prayers of St. Gertrude)
Almighty, everlasting God, seeing that it is the true faith of Thy
Church that the holy Sacrifice of the Mass instituted by Thy Son is
infinitely pleasing to Thy divine Majesty, and renders Thee an infinite
worship and praise, and since by it alone Thou canst be worthily and
adequately worshiped and praised; impelled by an ardent desire of Thy
honor and glory, I purpose to assist at this present sacrifice with the
utmost devotion of which I am capable, and to offer this most Holy
Oblation to Thee in union with Thy priest.
I offer Thee not only this sacrifice, but all those which shall be this day offered from every part of the world; and I protest before Thee that if it depended on me whether they should be offered or omitted, I would put forth all my powers to procure and further their being offered. And were I able now to raise up to Thee, of the stone which are scattered over the earth, most devoted priests, who should day by day and with glowing fervor offer to Thee this sacrifice of praise, I would most gladly do it. But, being what I am, I implore Thee, O most holy Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, to pour into the hearts of all Thy priests, and especially those who might perchance otherwise offer Thee this acceptable sacrifice coldly and without due recollectedness, the spirit of grace and of fervor, that they may be enabled to celebrate Thy tremendous Mystery with becoming awe and devotion.
Grant to me, and to all those who are here present with me, that we may join in this most sacred action with reverence and devotion, so that we may have our portion in its fruit and effect. I confess to Thee, O almighty God, and to the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and to all the Saints, my own sins and those of all the world; and I lay them on Thy sacred Altar, that they may be entirely blotted out by the virtue of this sacrifice. Do thou deign to grant us this grace, by that love which held back Thy hand from smiting when Thy most beloved Son, Thy only Son, was immolated by the hands of ungodly men. amen"
Preces Gertrudianae; Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde.
Priests' Saturday
by VP
Posted on Saturday January 28, 2023 at 01:15PM in Prayers
Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, Who hast
entrusted the whole work of Thy redemption, the welfare and salvation of
the world, to priests as Thy representatives, through the hands of Thy
most holy Mother and for the sanctification of Thy priests and
candidates for the priesthood I offer Thee this present day wholly and
entirely, with all its prayers, works, sacrifices, joys, and sorrows.
Give truly holy priests who, inflamed with the fire of Thy divine love,
seek nothing but Thy greater glory and the salvation of our souls.
And thou, Mary, good Mother of priests, protect all priests in the
dangers of their holy vocation and, with the loving hand of a Mother,
also lead back to the Good Shepherd those poor priests who have become
unfaithful to their exalted vocation and have gone astray.
Prayer to Saint Paul (On the Feast of his Conversion)
by VP
Posted on Tuesday January 24, 2023 at 12:26AM in Prayers
Saint Paul, Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral, Raleigh NC. ©CAPG
Prayer to Saint Paul
O Glorious Saint Paul, after persecuting
the Church you became by God's grace its most zealous Apostle. To carry
the knowledge of Jesus, our divine Savior, to the uttermost parts of
the earth you joyfully endured prison, scourgings, stonings, and
shipwreck, as well as all manner of persecutions culminating in the
shedding of the last drop of your blood for our Lord Jesus Christ.
May your example inspire our parish priests today to be zealous in
their service to God's people. Obtain for our priests the grace to labor
strenuously to bring the faith to others and to accept any trials and
tribulations that may come their way. Help them to be inspired by your
Epistles and to partake of your indomitable love for Jesus, so that
after they have finished their course they may join you in praising him
in heaven for all eternity. Amen.
Source: CAPG
Sunday Communion Offered to the Holy Ghost in Favor of the Church and of Priests
by VP
Posted on Sunday January 15, 2023 at 12:00AM in Prayers
"We recommend very specially to Priest and to the faithful the practice of the Sunday Communion offered to the Holy Ghost, already propagated with such zeal by many distinguished prelates. The practice consists in offering Communion every Sunday to the Holy Ghost, by the hands of Mary, in favor of the Church and of Priests. Those who adopt this devotion should, when making the offering of their Sunday Communion, intercede earnestly for priests, so that they may become every day more holy and more zealous and ardent apostles of the Holy Ghost.
It is much to be desired that this practice of the Sunday Communion should become general in every parish, in Seminaries, Universities, Colleges, and especially in religious Communities."
Prayer to the Holy Ghost in Favor of the Church.
O Holy Spirit, Creator, be propitious to the Catholic Church; and by Thy
heavenly power make it strong and secure against the attacks of its
enemies; and renew in charity and grace the spirit of Thy servants, whom
Thou has anointed, that they may glorify Thee and the Father and His
Only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. amen.
(300 daysʼ indulgence, once a day. Leo XIII, August 26 1889)
Manual of prayers to the Holy Ghost by Very Rev. Fr. Felix of Jesus 1941
Source: CAPG
Prayer before Mass (Prayers of St. Gertrude)
Almighty, everlasting God, seeing that it is the true faith of Thy
Church that the holy Sacrifice of the Mass instituted by Thy Son is
infinitely pleasing to Thy divine Majesty, and renders Thee an infinite
worship and praise, and since by it alone Thou canst be worthily and
adequately worshiped and praised; impelled by an ardent desire of Thy
honor and glory, I purpose to assist at this present sacrifice with the
utmost devotion of which I am capable, and to offer this most Holy
Oblation to Thee in union with Thy priest.
I offer Thee not only this sacrifice, but all those which shall be this day offered from every part of the world; and I protest before Thee that if it depended on me whether they should be offered or omitted, I would put forth all my powers to procure and further their being offered. And were I able now to raise up to Thee, of the stone which are scattered over the earth, most devoted priests, who should day by day and with glowing fervor offer to Thee this sacrifice of praise, I would most gladly do it. But, being what I am, I implore Thee, O most holy Father, through Jesus Christ Thy Son, to pour into the hearts of all Thy priests, and especially those who might perchance otherwise offer Thee this acceptable sacrifice coldly and without due recollectedness, the spirit of grace and of fervor, that they may be enabled to celebrate Thy tremendous Mystery with becoming awe and devotion.
Grant to me, and to all those who are here present with me, that we may join in this most sacred action with reverence and devotion, so that we may have our portion in its fruit and effect. I confess to Thee, O almighty God, and to the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and to all the Saints, my own sins and those of all the world; and I lay them on Thy sacred Altar, that they may be entirely blotted out by the virtue of this sacrifice. Do thou deign to grant us this grace, by that love which held back Thy hand from smiting when Thy most beloved Son, Thy only Son, was immolated by the hands of ungodly men. amen"
Preces Gertrudianae; Prayers of St. Gertrude and St. Mechtilde.