Prayer to St. Louis
by VP
Posted on Thursday August 25, 2022 at 01:00AM in Prayers
Saint Louis, Sacred Heart Heart Dunn, NC
O Saint Louis IX, inspire our bishop and
priests to preach the Faith with courage, constancy, and love.
Strengthen them to combat every evil.Pray that God will raise up
courageous and honorable civil leaders who will enact laws respecting
the dignity of human life and enforce them with justice, truth, and
Pray for all faithful men and women that they will live
virtuous and peaceful lives as they journey toward their final goal of
Pray that all children may keep their baptismal innocence and be spared from every evil.
that the sanctity of human life will be forever respected. Pray for an
increase in holy vocations to the priesthood and religious life.And
Saint Louis, as you have left your earthly throne to assume your
heavenly throne, pray that we will one day share with you the eternal
crown of salvation after our earthly lives are ended. Amen.
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Holy Church
by VP
Posted on Monday August 15, 2022 at 01:49AM in Prayers
Queen of heaven, thy immense love for
God maketh thee likewise love His Church. We pray thee, come to its help
amidst the ills under which it is now suffering, rent asunder as she is
by her own children. Thy prayers, being a mother’s, can obtain all from
that God Who loveth Thee so well.
Pray then, pray for the Church; ask for enlightenment for so
many unbelievers who are persecuting it, and obtain for faithful souls
the necessary strength to resist being caught in the snares of the
unbelievers who would drag them down into their own ruin.
Source: St. Alphonsusʼ Prayer Book (Father Edward Saint Omer, Redemptorist.1888)
Prayer to God to save the Church by Sanctifying His priests who have fallen away
by VP
Posted on Monday August 08, 2022 at 01:00AM in Prayers
St. John Vianney, Saint Joseph, Raleigh NC ©VP
O God, our Lord, we obey without delay
to Thy gracious invitation to pray. Encouraged by Thy desire, we worship
at your sacred feet, crying out to Thee for our guilty priests. Deign
to be reminded, Lord, that Thy priestly Body is Thy crown of
predilection, the splendor of Thy glory, the chosen part of Thy
We implore Thee to arm Thyself with holy indignation
against Satan, who dared to plant the banner of sin in Thy own
sanctuary, and to chase him away in shame from Thy solemnly dedicated
What would it cost Thee, O Lord, to turn the most
hardened hearts into penitents? Only one simple glance at Peter was
enough to retrieve him from the abyss of a three times apostasy; would
it cost Thee more to touch and convert those who have had the misfortune
to imitate his weakness?
O Jesus, our King and Pontiff, we
beseech Thee on behalf of Mary, Thy Mother and ours, save the Church,
save Thy faithful, save Thy blessed honor, by saving priests! Amen.
Source : translated by VP; "The Priest according to the Doctrine and the Examples of the Servant of God J.M.B. Vianney, Curé d'Ars." J.H. Olivier, (1870)
Saint Dominic
by VP
Posted on Thursday August 04, 2022 at 01:00AM in Prayers
Prayers to St. Dominic
My Lord Jesus Christ, Who didst found
the Church with Thy precious blood, and by the preaching of the apostles
didst establish, propagate, and extend it throughout the whole world,
and thereafter didst commission the holy patriarch Dominic to adorn,
illustrate, and defend it with the splendor of this merits and doctrine;
graciously hear the prayers which this apostolic man incessantly offers
to Thee for the increase of her treasures, both spiritual and temporal.
Pater, Ave, Gloria
merciful Redeemer, Who didst choose as Thy fellow-laborer for the
salvation of souls, St. Dominic, who by his zeal, aided by Thy grace,
gained over to the Church so many heretics who had been lost to her, and
so many sinners who had grieved her by their obstinacy; send, O my God,
ever fresh laborers into Thy vineyard to work for Thy glory, and gather
in the fruits of eternal life.
Pater, Ave, Gloria.
O Good
Jesus, Who didst delight to see St. Dominic prostrate every night before
Thy altar, adoring Thee hidden in the most holy sacrament with most
lively faith, and offering up, now groans, now prayers, now penances on
behalf of the Church, at that time persecuted by her enemies and
profaned by her servants; defend this Thy Spouse through the
intercession of St. Dominic from the outrages and plots of the infernal
enemy of mankind.
Pater, Ave, Gloria.
V. Pray for us, St. Dominic.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray: Grant, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that we who are
weighted down by the burden of our sins may be raised up by the
patronage of Thy blessed confessor Dominic. Through Christ, Our Lord.
Pope Leo XIII, July 21, 1883
Source: With God: A Book of Prayers and Reflexions by Rev. Francis Xavier Lasance.
Novena for Priests to St. John Vianney Day 9
by VP
Posted on Wednesday August 03, 2022 at 01:00AM in Prayers
John Vianney, Good and Holy Priest O holy Priest of Ars, you lived in an
age of much upheaval, in a time when men turned their backs on God.
Your bishop told of a parish to which he wished to send you where there
was no love. He assigned you to Ars and said that you would be the
Priest who would enable the people to know the love of God. Not only did
you draw these people back to God, but your saintly reputation soon
spread and many people were converted to a life of holiness. You said
that a good Priest, a Priest after Christʼs own heart is the greatest
treasure that God can give a parish. Give us such Priests!
O great St. John Vianney, once again we are living in day of upheaval.
There is much evil in the word.
Obtain for Father ___ the grace to persevere in his faith and never to
despair. May he walk
with the Lord and trust in Him all the days of his life. Obtain through
your heavenly intercession, for Father ___ the grace of modeling his
life after that of Jesus Christ, that his people will
know the love of God. More than ever the people need him to be able to
bring the world to Christ.
Pray for Father ___ and all Priests, O great Priest of Ars.
Novena Prayer:
O holy Priest of Ars, St. John Marie Vianney, you loved God and served
Him faithfully as
His Priest. Now you see God face to face in heaven. You never despaired
but persevered in your faith
until you died. Remember now the dangers, fears and anxieties that
surround Father ___ and intercede for him in all his needs and troubles
especially console him in his most difficult moments, grant him serenity
in the midst of crisis, and protect him from evil. O St. John Vianney, I
have confidence in your intercession.
Pray for Father ___ in a special way during this novena.
Novena for Priests to St. John Vianney Day 8
by VP
Posted on Tuesday August 02, 2022 at 01:00AM in Prayers
St. John Vianney, Lover of Penance and Mortification O holy Priest of
Ars, you led a life of detachment
from worldly pleasures. Your meals consisted of a boiled potato each
day; you slept a few hours each night. But you did all of this so that
you would be able to serve God to the best of your ability. Your life
was portrayed by the saying: We complain when we suffer. We have much
more reason to complain when we do not suffer, since nothing likens us
to our Lord as the bearing of His cross.
O great St. John Vianney, in these days when we are surrounded by so
many comforts and pleasures, it can be so difficult for us to do penance
for our sins and live a life of detachment. I resolve to offer
some sacrifice today for the expiation of Father ___’s sins and the sins
of all mankind. Assist Father in accepting the cross God chooses to
send him. May he embrace the life of sacrifice to which Priests are
called. May he willingly offer his whole life to God! Obtain for Father
___ the grace to imitate the life of Christ by the bearing of His cross.
Novena Prayer:
O holy Priest of Ars, St. John Marie Vianney, you loved God and served
Him faithfully as
His Priest. Now you see God face to face in heaven. You never despaired
but persevered in your faith
until you died. Remember now the dangers, fears and anxieties that
surround Father ___ and intercede for him in all his needs and troubles
especially console him in his most difficult moments, grant him serenity
in the midst of crisis, and protect him from evil. O St. John Vianney, I
have confidence in your intercession.
Pray for Father ___ in a special way during this novena.
Novena for Priests to St. John Vianney Day 7
by VP
Posted on Monday August 01, 2022 at 01:00AM in Prayers
O holy Priest of Ars, your life was filled with humility. You wore an
old cassock. You ate meager meals. You realized that before the throne
of God, you were one of His creatures made to glorify God and praise Him
in all things. You said that the first virtue is humility; the second,
humility; and the third, humility. You counseled people to remain
humble, remain simple and the more one is so, the more good he will do.
Your simplicity of soul and your uncluttered way of life led you to
O humble St. John Vianney, when Father ___ forgets he is totally
dependent on God for everything, intercede for him with Almighty God, to
allow him to see that without His Creator nothing is possible and that
he must rely on God for everything. He is his Creator, who keeps him in
existence at every moment. Obtain for Father ___ the grace of humility.
May his life exemplify your humility and simplicity, a life uncluttered,
a life totally dependent on God.
Novena Prayer:
O holy Priest of Ars, St. John Marie Vianney, you loved God and served
Him faithfully as
His Priest. Now you see God face to face in heaven. You never despaired
but persevered in your faith
until you died. Remember now the dangers, fears and anxieties that
surround Father ___ and intercede for him in all his needs and troubles
especially console him in his most difficult moments, grant him serenity
in the midst of crisis, and protect him from evil. O St. John Vianney, I
have confidence in your intercession.
Pray for Father ___ in a special way during this novena.