CAPG's Blog 

Memorare to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

by VP

Posted on Friday March 05, 2021 at 09:58AM in Prayers

Remember, O most loving Heart of Jesus, that he for whom I pray, is one for whom You prayed so fervently in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before You died. He is among those whom You first called Your friends. He is one of those friends You asked to remain with You while the others abandoned You, so that he could share Your graces, and so that he could share Your persecution in accordance with Your word: "The servant is not greater than his Lord."

Remember, O Heart of Jesus, that he is an object of scorn to the world, and that the deadly snares of Satan are laid for him. Guard him, O Jesus, and guard all Your priests in the fortress of Your Sacred Heart, and there let them be sanctified in truth. May Your priests be one with You and united among themselves. Grant that multitudes of people, through their words, be brought to believe in You and to love You. Amen

Source: CAPG