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From the Past: Be restorers of Christ by Bishop Vincent Waters, Raleigh 1964

by VP

Posted on Tuesday May 10, 2022 at 01:00AM in From the Past

 “There is good reason for Christ’s weeping over Jerusalem and all our cities today. Christ sees not only the externals, He sees all His human creatures, all mankind, their sins and their souls. All mankind is His creation and all in the city of man is not beautiful or good".(...)

"Let us look up to the mystical city of man which faces Christ today and over which we weep. (...) Man behaves self-centered, independent of God, a self-seeker going to the limit. A confused man not knowing his purpose, gives up to satisfaction and so his passions prevail. He becomes not only a danger to himself but to those who live with him,” Bishop Waters declared, emphasizing that lust, anger, hatred and injustice are symptomatic of our times."

"Christ is weeping today because He has provided the means to change all this for every man, woman, and child,(...) But man must cooperate. Man must help save man. It should be His city, He labored for it, He died for it. Christ is speaking to us through His gospel, also weeping for us and our lack of love. He is living, we are living. He is the living head of our living body. We can convert the world through Him, for Him and by Him if we love Him enough." (...) “Love Him in deed and in truth. Christ has the power, through you, to change great sinners into saints through love. This is the strength of the love of God through you. The city of God is with us, the city of God is built up by consolation and help given one another. Think of the joy of all the converts discovering this living body of Christ for the first time. Think of the power of this living body in the Mass."

"We are His Church, His family, His people and we are His body. In this ordered body there is no real competition only cooperation with the emphasis on the common good and the common cause which is Christ for one and all."

Source: The Voice, July 24, 1964