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God's Eternal Order is Supreme Objective by Bishop Vincent Waters, Bishop of Raleigh 1952

by VP

Posted on Sunday June 27, 2021 at 01:00AM in From the Past

"There is only one objective norm for truth, justice, liberty, law-namely, God's eternal Order. (...) Atheistic secularism like atheistic communism, believes in no rights. All legal procedure is a mockery of justice where civil law is cut off from the source of morality: God. When men throw away this external objective, unbiased norm of justice, justice becomes what is expedient for the State and we have a substitute for God in the deification of the State we have arrived back at pagan times of the Roman Empire.

Under such a form of modern negation where truth, where justice, where nature, where liberty, where God, is denied we find no God-given rights of man, no unchangeable code of morality, no freedom under God or man, no will directed toward universal goodness, but instead we find law a caprice, might is right, evil is called good and good, evil, and so the will to evil is employed absolutely by atheistic governments
Now is the time to call a halt to this destruction of man and the world and to set about to rebuild man, society, and the world. Instead of negation, affirmation is necessary.

Men should make a definite and vigorous affirmation of the existence of God and an equally strong affirmation of the existence of God's order visible in the universe and in man. There should also be the affirmation "that man's will, directed to universal goodness or happiness, also participates in God's order. (...)

Then and then only we shall have peace. peace which is the work of justice. Divine justice. Peace which St. Augustine defined as the tranquility of order. Not the order of man, or of nations, or of mere human society, but peace, the tranquility of God's order in the universe."

Source NCWC News Service. Washington, Jan 14, 1952 page 7