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From the Past: Bishop Waters Orders N.C. Priests to Wear Clerical Garb

by VP

Posted on Wednesday October 14, 2020 at 01:00AM in From the Past

Source: Bulletin of Catholic Laymen, Raleigh Diocese September 1945

Raleigh, N.C. (NC) - Bishop Vincent S.Waters - who earlier required Sisters in the Raleigh, N.C., diocese to wear identifiable religious garb - has made the same demand of his priests.

In a recent letter to diocesan priests, pastors and heads of Religious orders, Bishop Waters called it "important for the good of souls of priests, as well as the people they serve," that priests wear clerical garb except for recreational activities.

The bishop's directive says pastors "should report to me Sisters working in their parishes - studying or doing secular work - who are not complying with this request."

Noting that similar clothing regulations are contained in canon law and were reaffirmed by the last Raleigh diocesan synod, held in 1948, Bishop Waters said any priest who disregards the regulation is "subject to the withdrawal of this diocesan faculties." These faculties include such clerical functions as preaching and hearing confessions.

The Raleigh diocese - comprising the whole state of North Carolina - has 66,933 Catholics out of total state population of more than five million.

Source:December 3, 1971 Small Town Papers


The cleric should wear "suitable clerical clothing, according to the norms issued by the Episcopal Conference and according to legitimate local customs." (Canon #284) This means that such clothing, when it is not the cassock, should be distinct from the manner in which laymen dress, and in conformity with the dignity and sacredness of the ministry.

Apart from entirely exceptional circumstances, the non-use of clerical clothing on the part of the cleric can manifest a weak sense of his own identity as a pastor completely dedicated to the service of the Church (# 66).

Source: EWTN


Outside liturgical functions, a black suit and Roman collar are the usual attire for priests. The use of the cassock is at the discretion of the cleric.

Source: USCCB